HHCC is a social outreach with the goal to restore communities spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally through a program that will enhance the lives of youths and families. As for us, we believe that a change in people has to begin within a person rather than with his or her outer shell. For this reason, if one wants to change the lives of people, he cannot circumvent the moral and / or spiritual systems on which those lives are erected, and all this in harmony with the felt needs of the people.
I had an excellent experience through the process of changing my School, HHCC came through for me.
Curabitur magna enim, faucibus vel nisi ut, mattis eleifend ipsum. Mauris ut quam et turpis congue facilisis. Vestibulum molestie, purus suscipit congue pellentesque, leo velit eleifend libero, suscipit porta ipsum ...
Settling in Canada was a Challenge but HHCC helped in getting a good House and doing the relevant documentations I needed to do.
it was my first time relocating and HHCC was a huge help to making the process go smoothly.
Social Assistance
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Housing Program
Access to Shelters
Human Rights
Income Tax Clinic
Canadian Citizenship
Employment Insurance (EI)
Work Permits
Family Sponsorship
Various Other Government Forms
Social Services
Hospital & Doctor’s Clinic
Community Services
Employment Centre(s)
Schools, ESL, and LINC classes
Free Mattresses & Furniture Banks
Legal Services (Legal Aid Ontario)
Shelters, etc.
Job Search & Leads
Basic Resume Preparation
Cover Letter Preparation
Social Assistance
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Housing Program
Access to Shelters
Human Rights